Dive deep into understanding narcissistic traits with our interactive Narcissistic Personality Disorder Quiz. Recognize, reflect, and take steps toward personal growth.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder Quiz – NPD Test

Narcissistic Personality Disorder Quiz – Understanding Yourself Better

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a term often tossed around colloquially, but what does it mean? How can one identify such traits within themselves? Our interactive quiz provides a preliminary look into narcissistic tendencies. It’s designed to offer insights, not diagnoses.

What Is Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a mental condition where individuals have an inflated sense of their importance, a craving for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy towards others. However, behind this mask of ultra-confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to the slightest criticism.

Why Take The Narcissistic Personality Disorder Quiz?

Recognizing tendencies is the first step toward understanding oneself better and fostering personal growth. This quiz serves as a mirror, reflecting the shades of narcissism one might harbor. While it doesn’t replace professional guidance, it points you in the right direction.

The Quiz Procedure

Answer the questions based on how frequently you resonate with the described behavior or feelings:

  • Never = 0 points
  • Rarely = 1 point
  • Sometimes = 2 points
  • Often = 3 points
  • Very Often = 4 points

Deciphering Your Score

Your score indicates the presence and intensity of narcissistic traits:

  • 0-15 points: Low Traits
  • 16-30 points: Mild Traits
  • 31-45 points: Moderate Traits
  • 46-60 points: High Traits
  • 61-75 points: Severe Traits

How to Move Forward

Irrespective of the score, remember that everyone has unique qualities and strengths. Personal growth is an ongoing journey, and realizing the need for change is a monumental step. There are always means and methods to harness your strengths and work on improvement areas.

Whether it’s self-reflection, counseling, reading, or seeking feedback, choose your path to self-betterment. Consider professional counseling for a comprehensive understanding of your traits.

Explore More About Yourself By Trying the Cluster B Personality Test and the conditions under it.

Also, try our Dark Triad Test.

  • Question of

    I feel superior to others.

    • Never
    • Rarely
    • Sometimes
    • Often
    • Very Often

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    I crave admiration and praise from others.

    • Never
    • Rarely
    • Sometimes
    • Often
    • Very Often

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    I exaggerate my achievements and talents.

    • Never
    • Rarely
    • Sometimes
    • Often
    • Very Often

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    It’s hard for me to recognize the needs and feelings of others.

    • Never
    • Rarely
    • Sometimes
    • Often
    • Very Often

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    Others have said I’m selfish or don’t listen to their needs.

    • Never
    • Rarely
    • Sometimes
    • Often
    • Very Often

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    I often get envious of others or believe others are envious of me.

    • Never
    • Rarely
    • Sometimes
    • Often
    • Very Often

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    I expect special treatment and to be recognized as superior, even without achievements that warrant it.

    • Never
    • Rarely
    • Sometimes
    • Often
    • Very Often

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    I monopolize conversations and belittle or look down on people.

    • Never
    • Rarely
    • Sometimes
    • Often
    • Very Often

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    I lack empathy and struggle to identify with the feelings of others.

    • Never
    • Rarely
    • Sometimes
    • Often
    • Very Often

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    I often take advantage of others to get what I want.

    • Never
    • Rarely
    • Sometimes
    • Often
    • Very Often

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    I’m unique; only special people or institutions can truly understand me.

    • Never
    • Rarely
    • Sometimes
    • Often
    • Very Often

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    I require constant attention and admiration from those around me.

    • Never
    • Rarely
    • Sometimes
    • Often
    • Very Often

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    I often deserve special treatment.

    • Never
    • Rarely
    • Sometimes
    • Often
    • Very Often

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    My relationships are usually one-sided, with me being the dominant one.

    • Never
    • Rarely
    • Sometimes
    • Often
    • Very Often

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    I’m preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love.

    • Never
    • Rarely
    • Sometimes
    • Often
    • Very Often

    Correct Wrong