Gambling Addiction Test: Expose Risky Bets (15-Questions)

Gambling Addiction Test: Expose Risky Bets (15-Questions)

Discover Your Gambling Tendencies: The Definitive Gambling Addiction Test

Gambling can be a fun pastime for many, but for others, it can escalate into a challenging addiction that disrupts daily life and relationships. Recognizing the problem is the first step to recovery. We designed the Gambling Addiction Test to help you grasp your gambling habits and provide the necessary guidance. The promise is clear: Take the test, understand yourself better, and pave the way for a balanced life.

What Is Gambling Addiction?

Gambling addiction, often termed ‘problem gambling,’ is an urge to gamble continuously despite harmful negative consequences or a desire to stop. Unlike casual gambling, those addicted might gamble even when they don’t have the money, leading to debts, damaged relationships, and other severe problems.

Why Take the Gambling Addiction Test?

Being self-aware is crucial. By understanding if you’re leaning towards problematic behaviors, you can seek early intervention, which often leads to better outcomes. This test provides an unbiased mirror to reflect your gambling habits.

Expert Insight

Mayo Clinic specialists state biological, genetic, and environmental factors influence problem gambling. These factors encompass mental health challenges, demographics more prone to it (especially youth and men), the impact of family or friends, distinct personality traits, elements in video games that mirror gambling, and specific drugs. If individuals don’t address this issue, they can face severe outcomes such as strained relationships, financial difficulties, legal problems, deteriorating health, and a heightened risk of suicide.

How the Test Works

Gambling Addiction Test: Answer the questions honestly. Based on your answers, we’ll provide insights into your gambling tendencies and recommendations for the next steps.

Scoring is assigned as follows:

  • Hardly ever: 1 point
  • Rarely: 2 points
  • Sometimes: 3 points
  • Often: 4 points
  • Very frequently: 5 points

For other questions:

  • Never: 1 point
  • A couple of times: 2 points
  • Several times: 3 points
  • Many times: 4 points

Interpreting Your Test Results

Scores ranging:

  • 5-25: Minimal gambling tendencies.
  • 26-50: Moderate gambling tendencies.
  • 51-75: Elevated gambling tendencies.
  • 76-100: Strong gambling tendencies.

Recommendations to Prevent it:

  1. Set limits: Decide beforehand how much you want to spend.
  2. Avoid alcohol: It can impair your judgment.
  3. Seek professional help: Therapists or counselors can provide tools to help you control your urges.

Important Note:

This gambling addiction test is not a substitute for professional diagnosis. If you believe you have a gambling problem, please consult a trained therapist or counselor.


Answer all questions honestly.


This test is for informational purposes only and shouldn’t be used as a definitive diagnosis.

Try Other Addictions Tests

Understanding your tendencies through these questions can offer insights into whether your relationship with gambling is healthy or leaning towards problematic. It’s crucial to remember that seeking help is always okay if you think you have a problem. Taking a step towards understanding is a stride towards improvement.

Remember, self-awareness is the first step towards positive change.

  • Question of

    How often do you think about gambling?

    • Hardly ever
    • Rarely
    • Sometimes
    • Often
    • Very frequently

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    Have you ever tried to hide your gambling habits from loved ones?

    • Never
    • A couple of times
    • Several times
    • Many times

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    I feel my relationships suffer due to my gambling.

    • Strongly disagree
    • Disagree
    • Partly agree
    • Agree
    • Strongly agree

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    To what extent does the idea of gambling excite you when you’re not doing it?

    • Not At All
    • A little Bit
    • To some extent
    • To a significant extent
    • To a great extent

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    How often do you feel the urge to gamble after a loss to win back your money?

    • Rarely
    • Sometimes
    • Often
    • Very often
    • Not At All

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    Do you borrow money to fund your gambling?

    • Hardly ever
    • Rarely
    • Sometimes
    • Often
    • Very frequently

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    How often do you find it challenging to stop gambling once you’ve started?

    • Never
    • A couple of times
    • Several times
    • Many times

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    I believe gambling more will help me win back my lost money.

    • Strongly disagree
    • Disagree
    • Partly agree
    • Agree
    • Strongly agree

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    To what extent does gambling interfere with your work or daily tasks?

    • Not At All
    • A little Bit
    • To some extent
    • To a significant extent
    • To a great extent

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    How frequently do you feel guilty about your gambling habits?

    • Rarely
    • Sometimes
    • Often
    • Very often
    • Not At All

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    Have your loved ones ever expressed concern about your gambling?

    • Hardly ever
    • Rarely
    • Sometimes
    • Often
    • Very frequently

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    How often do you prioritize gambling over spending time with family or friends?

    • Never
    • A couple of times
    • Several times
    • Many times

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    I feel my mental health deteriorates due to my gambling habits.

    • Strongly disagree
    • Disagree
    • Partly agree
    • Agree
    • Strongly agree

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    To what extent do you think about the consequences before you start gambling?

    • Not At All
    • A little Bit
    • To some extent
    • To a significant extent
    • To a great extent

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    How often do you chase your losses in gambling, believing you’ll win the next time?

    • Rarely
    • Sometimes
    • Often
    • Very often
    • Not At All

    Correct Wrong