The Ultimate LGBTQ+ Test (Spectrum 9-Question Quiz)

Free LGBTQ+ Test – Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

The LGBTQ+ Test: Discover Your Place in the Rainbow

In our diverse world, it’s important to understand the many different genders and sexualities, even if it’s hard to grasp. Whether you’re questioning, seeking clarity about your identity, or simply curious, the LGBTQ+ test offers insights and answers, shining a light on the beautiful diversity within the LGBTQ community. It’s a step towards embracing your true self, promising a journey of self-discovery and acceptance.

What Is LGBTQ+?

LGBTQ+ stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer, with the ‘+’ including various identities beyond the traditional male or female categories assigned at birth. It represents a spectrum where people identify and express themselves in diverse ways, embodying the richness of human sexuality and gender beyond societal norms.

It’s also a world where people identify and express themselves in myriad ways, finding love and connection in varied forms, from being romantically attracted to people of the same gender to not experiencing sexual attraction at all, like asexual people.

Why Take The LGBTQ+ Test?

Taking the LGBTQ+ test is like opening the door to understanding your own unique sexual preferences and place in the spectrum of gender and sexuality. This is for anyone curious about their capacity for romantic relationships or simply wanting to understand more about the rich tapestry of human identity. Taking this step moves you towards self-awareness, acceptance, and connecting with your community.

How the Test Works

The LGBTQ+ test is a set of questions that help you think about your feelings, who you’re attracted to, and your gender and sexuality experiences. The focus is on understanding the nuances of your identity, from who you’re attracted to and your gender expression, to how you experience romantic and sexual attraction, rather than fitting into a box.

Scoring is assigned as follows:

  • Mostly As: Traditional Paths
  • Mostly Bs: Same-Gender Orientation
  • Mostly Cs: Fluid and Open
  • Mostly Ds: Questioning/Asexual Spectrum
  • Mixed/Es: Exploring

Recommendations to Prevent Misunderstandings:

  1. Approach the test with an open mind and heart.
  2. Be honest with your answers for the most accurate insight.
  3. Use this test to start deeper self-exploration or conversations with trusted family members or professionals.

Important Note:

This test is not a substitute for a professional diagnosis. If you’re experiencing confusion or distress about your identity, seek support from qualified professionals who understand the complexities of gender and sexuality.

If you’re looking for understanding and acceptance, consider contacting the LGBT community for support and guidance.


Answer the questions based on your current feelings and experiences. Each response reflects your true self, with no right or wrong answers.


We designed this LGBTQ+ test for educational and entertainment purposes only. You should not use it as a definitive guide to your sexual orientation or gender identity. Always consult with a professional for advice and support.

Try Other Tests

  • Question of

    How do you currently identify?

    • Straight
    • Gay/Lesbian
    • Bisexual
    • Transgender
    • Unsure/Questioning

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    What best describes your romantic attraction?

    • To the opposite gender only
    • To the same gender only
    • To any gender
    • Rarely feel romantically attracted
    • I’m still figuring it out

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    How do you experience sexual attraction?

    • Only to the opposite gender
    • Only to the same gender
    • To more than one gender
    • I don’t experience sexual attraction
    • It’s complicated

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    What reflects your gender expression most accurately?

    • Matches my assigned gender at birth
    • Does not match my assigned gender at birth
    • A mix of both or neither
    • I’m still exploring this
    • Prefer not to say

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    How do you feel about traditional labels of ‘male’ and ‘female’?

    • They fit me well
    • They don’t fully describe my experience
    • I reject these labels entirely
    • I use them for convenience but they don’t fit
    • Still figuring it out

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    Your feelings towards romantic relationships:

    • Desire traditional opposite-gender relationships
    • Prefer same-gender relationships
    • Open to relationships with any gender
    • Not interested in romantic relationships
    • Uncertain/Exploring

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    Have you ever felt misunderstood by family members regarding your gender or sexuality?

    • No, they understand me well
    • Yes, often
    • Sometimes
    • I haven’t discussed it with them
    • It varies

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    Which community do you feel most aligned with?

    • LGBTQ community
    • A specific group within the LGBTQ community
    • I don’t feel aligned with any community
    • I’m still exploring
    • Prefer not to say

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    How important is it for you to label your sexual orientation and gender identity?

    • Very important, it defines me
    • Somewhat important, but there’s more to me
    • Not important, I’m just me
    • I’m unsure about labels
    • I prefer not to use labels

    Correct Wrong